Friday, October 10, 2014

homeopathic sore throat remedy that i swear by.

I found this sore throat remedy that i swear by on pinterest. 5 ingredients total. Im drinking it now after being two days sick. As im drinking it i can already feel it working.

2 tablespoons of raw honey
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons of lemon
A dash of cinnamon
Boiled hot water

Friday, October 3, 2014


I saw somewhere that if you put toothpaste on your headlight cover and rub it with a cloth, it makes it clear again. Well I tried it and it works but it didnt clear as I expected. I heard bug repellent spray will also work. I wilk try it in another blog. In one picture below I cleaned half the headlight and the other is fully cleaned.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Carving a pumpkin with AT HOME utensils

Back in the olden days you used what you had to get things done. However, in this day in age there is an advertisement luring you in to buy this and that for your daily needs. Sometimes you have what you need and dont know it. In my case I went to a friends house and she wanted pumpkin to eat and I have to admit I have never carved a pumpkin to eat so I just used a potato peeler, a fork, a knife, and a spoon! After cutting them up, I boiled them and mashed them up and put cinnamon, butter, sugar, and a little salt. My friends said that it was really good and taste like fall. Below is a pic of the pumpkin I carved.